One time, a student who is boy asks to his teacher: sir, Tell me about the True muslimah …
The teacher smiled and answered … True muslimah isnt just a scarf seen from the wide, but from how she keeps her eyes (ghudhul Bashar), attitude, character, honor and purity of the Islamic ….
True muslimah isnt viewed from the softness of her voice, but the outspoken she tells the truth in front of boys who isnt her family or mahram … ..
True muslimah is not viewed from the large number of friends around him, but from the her attitude when she keep her childreen, close relatives, neighbors and surrounding people.
The teacher smiled and answered … True muslimah isnt just a scarf seen from the wide, but from how she keeps her eyes (ghudhul Bashar), attitude, character, honor and purity of the Islamic ….
True muslimah isnt viewed from the softness of her voice, but the outspoken she tells the truth in front of boys who isnt her family or mahram … ..
True muslimah is not viewed from the large number of friends around him, but from the her attitude when she keep her childreen, close relatives, neighbors and surrounding people.

Real muslimah is not seen from how she decorated and how she make nice food, but how can she understand and know the tastes and eating his husband and her childreen. variations that are not fussy, smart family financially manage cash flow, understand how to look attractive in the face of her husband and always feel pretty (qonaah) with all the gifts from the husband at the time and in the current field narrow.
Real muslimah is not seen from her beautiful face, but from how she generous smile and cool when seen in front of her husband with all my heart..
Real muslimah is not seen from the many boys who tried get her love, but of commitment to say that the real “No words” Love before marriage.
Real muslimah is not viewed from the degree black belt in the sport , but from the temper he faced ins and outs of life …
Real muslimah is not be seen from just the number she memorized the Koran, but from her understanding of what she read / memorized to resume practicing later in her daily life.
…. After that, the Student again asking …
…. After that, the Student again asking …
“Is there muslimah that can meet such criteria, sir?”
The teacher smiled again and said: “muslimah like it there, but rarely”.
Even if there is, she usually has a distinctive character, among others; Very loving Allah and His Messenger more than anything else, can not be separated from the world of da’wa (at least in the neighborhood where she lived), to live in congregation but not known ‘ashobiyah, do not want to be known-unless requested / Pressed by jama’ah (community), a descendant of the righteous people/ shalihat, comes from an environment that is very well maintained, have a practice of worship daily, weekly and monthly on top of most people, life is simple but still interesting and useful for others, known as a neighbor who was kind, very filial to parents, very respectful to the older and very dear to a younger, very disciplined with her prayer, diligent fast, pray qiyamullail & Sunnah and practice of worship or can be hidden from the eyes of his best people who knew her , diligent repair her false (taubatan NASHUHA), diligently praying for her broter and sister especially being in a state of difficulty, keept friendship basic on islam, industrious-Koran-study (especially those syar’i) / minimum of diligent attendance at the council of science and listen, always add / improve their knowledge and convey all the knowledge he learned after her first practice it, diligently read / memorize the Quran or hadith and books a useful, smart / strong her mind, very selective about food / drink that she consume, so attention to cleanliness and very disciplined about clean, very awake from ikhtilat especially seclusion, away from all actions to maintain the continuity of nonsense, brave, not scared / sad but a little heart (fair), clever entertaining and clever cover up embarrassment / lack people and she knew, easy to forgive the errors / mistakes of others without being asked and without rancor, a light hand to help others, easy to take help (bershadaqah), sincere, far from riya, ujub, muhabahat, arrogant and not emotional, sensitive enough but not too sensitive (not easily offended), always do good deeds and muraqobatullah (always feel close and always felt watched by Allah SWT in both crowded and at the time when alone), always positif thinking to every person, honest character (shiddiiq), trustworthy and always deliver the best way haq (tabligh), never complain / complain, very mature in addressing the problems of life, self, always optimistic, always look happy and calm, not separated from the calculation (muhasabah) today that she always try to be better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today, and always clever grateful for all ni’mat (good destiny) and always patient in dealing with test and trial (fate) in all circumstances. Whenever and wherever ..
The Student still curious, and asked to return to the Ustad. “sir, is there an easy way to get it? or at least can get a near-profile real muslimah?
The teacher was promptly answered wisely: “There, if you yourselves like to get the real muslimah to be your partner then you guys … SHALIHKAN FORMERLY SELF!
Hopefully shalihat Akhwat which is basically a shaalih also to Brett …
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